Page 5 - Rash Talk Magazine - Issue - One
P. 5

Rupert Reflects

                                                                             By Dr Rupert Mason
                                                                             Great Expectations

                                                                             Rash Talk® was born in 1987. It was a time of the
                                                                             printed word before the arrival of its modern
                                                                             digital counterpart.  The fledgling publication
                                                                             was accompanied by its own Summary of
                                                                             Product Characteristics. True to the template
          Lucy says these methods help    to save clinicians and patients    that still exists today, the SmPC detailed items
          clinicians to see more patients in   time and money, there is also   such as dosage and administration, contra-
          any one day, with most patients   a risk that some patients may    indications, and side-effects. Indications were
          preferring this method too, as they   become excluded.             whimsically described as “a restorative for
          no longer have to take time off work   Lucy says some patients have   labourers in the vineyard of healthcare; an
          or travel long distances to clinics.
                                          already dropped out of her clinic   emollient for the callouses of healing hands”.
          However, Sarah says that while   because they are unable to        And here we are 37 years later. The burden borne
          telephone and video consultations   request an appointment using   by today’s labourers in the vineyard of healthcare
          “have their place”, she doesn’t   digital communication methods.   is as great as ever, if not greater. The demands
          think they should be used as a   This means they are solely        of professional life pile ever higher. Targets must
          “replacement” for face-to-face   presenting at A&E when their      be hit, budgets must be met, protocols must be
          consultations. “It needs to be a   skin condition gets too difficult   followed and boxes must be ticked. And all this
          complementary addition,” she said.  to cope with.                  before you have even started to practise medicine.

          Vulnerable patients             Sarah and Lucy agree that plans    One of the less well recognised but significant
          As the NHS becomes more         must be put in place to prevent    pressures faced by today’s healthcare
                                          vulnerable patients from slipping
          reliant on digital communications,   through the cracks, adding    professionals is the growing public expectation
          Lucy says we must consider      that face-to-face appointments     of omnipotence. Each scientific advance in
          how this will affect vulnerable   should be offered when needed.   healthcare and accompanying media coverage
          patient groups. While this is likely                               helps to nurture a general belief that science
                                                                             is all-powerful and, when faced with medical
                                                                             failure, a disbelief that “in the 21 century
                                                      Listen to the full     this could happen”. An unrealistic faith in
                                                       podcasts here:        medical science has been extended to include
                                                                             its practitioners, forgetting that they all share
                                                                             the very human quality of fallibility.
                                                                             For those of you who feel daunted by the
                                                                             expectation of omnipotence, consider the advice
                                                                             of Sir William Osler (1849-1919). Aged 26, he was
                                                                             appointed professor at McGill University and went
                                                                             on to become one of the founding professors of
          their overall health, too. In her   such as habit reversal therapy.   Johns Hopkins Hospital. In 1905 he was made
          clinic, Lucy has implemented the   This form of therapy teaches    professor at Oxford University. Among his many
          Vital 5 initiative, which advocates   patients how to undo or reduce   legacies is a slim volume entitled The Student Life,
          for health improvements across   unconscious habits and break      in which he offers the following advice to those
          five areas: blood pressure,     the itch-scratch cycle, which      embarking on their medical career: “Start out with
          obesity, smoking, alcohol and   can be difficult to manage.        the conviction that absolute truth is hard to reach
          mental health.                  Nurses can also signpost patients   in matters relating to our fellow creatures, healthy
          Lucy says nurses are well-placed to   to the National Eczema Society   or diseased, that slips in observation are inevitable
          ask patients about these factors, as   and the Psoriasis Association,   even with the best trained faculties, that errors in
          they can often talk to patients while   which both have a host of free,   judgement must occur in the practice of an art
          administering treatments.       helpful resources on their websites,   which consists of balancing probabilities.”
                                          enabling patients to take control of   Notwithstanding the extraordinary advances
          Drinking too much alcohol and   their skin condition.
          eating a poor diet can worsen skin                                 in medicine, its practice remains an art which
          conditions, so this initiative can   In combining these approaches,   consists of balancing probabilities. Omnipotence
          improve burdensome symptoms as   nurses can improve their patients’   is for a higher authority, not the poor old
          well as improving overall health.   overall health, yielding better   labourers in the vineyard of healthcare. For you
                                                                             we have revived this seasoned restorative. Take
          Patients can also be signposted   long-term outcomes and reducing   it whole or in divided doses with fluids. Clinical
                                          pressure on the NHS.
          to non-clinical interventions                                      experience suggests you may be rewarded
                                                                             with a transient sense of wellbeing.

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