Page 4 - Rash Talk Magazine - Issue - One
P. 4

Led by Sarah Copperwheat, Dermatology Specialist Nurse and Lucy Moorhead, Nurse Consultant in Inflammatory Skin Disease.
                                        Opened by Dr Rupert Mason, the original founder of Rash Talk.
                                     The Practice of Dermatology:

                                Can dermatology appointments be held remotely

                                                     or is face-to-face still best practice?

          PODCAST 1

          When the first Covid lockdown was   The challenges of remote          staff members who work from home,
          introduced in March 2020, healthcare   working                        as well as monthly virtual one-to-ones,
          professionals were plunged into    Sarah says the switch to remote    and face-to-face meetings at least
          an alien world and forced to adapt   consultations posed various challenges,   once a year.
          to new ways of conducting patient   with some patients unable to access the   “If we’re employing people to work
          appointments.                      internet, computers or smart phones.   remotely, we need to look after their
          While some dermatology nurses      There were also issues with patients   mental health,” she said.
          continued to work in day centres,   failing to answer calls or answering when
          like Lucy Moorhead, a nurse        they were busy, making it difficult to   Adapting pathways
          consultant in inflammatory skin    discuss sensitive matters.         However, remote consultations also
          diseases, others - like dermatological                                have their benefits, and Lucy says
          specialist nurse Sarah Copperwheat -   As well as logistical challenges, some   her clinic has continued to use
          underwent a complete shift to remote   professionals struggled with the switch.   pathways that were developed
          working and video consultations.   “Mentally, [remote working] can be   during the pandemic. For example,
                                             boring and draining,” Sarah said. “It
          At last year's British Dermatological   works for some people and others   before Covid, when a patient started
          Nursing Group annual conference,   hate it. I always tell my team, if it’s   a biologic or a systemic treatment,
          held in Harrogate in September, Sarah   really not for you, then just say.”  they would come back to the clinic
          and Lucy came together on a Rash                                      four weeks later for a face-to-face
          Talk® podcast to discuss the benefits   For this reason, Sarah says it’s   visit. Now, these appointments are
          and pitfalls of these methods.     important to hold daily check-ins with   conducted virtually.

                             Living with Eczema and Psoriasis:

                                                           Long term effects and wellbeing

          PODCAST 2

          Visible, chronic skin conditions like   Comparatively, adults are often   “If a patient tells me they’re feeling
          eczema and psoriasis can have a    reluctant to socialise or begin    a bit down, I never shy away from
          substantial psychological impact   an intimate relationship due to    asking whether they’ve had thoughts
          on patients.                       insecurities about their appearance   of self-harm,” Sarah says.
                                             or fears about their skin flaking,
          According to a 2020 report by the   with some unable to pursue career   “I think it’s very important that we ask
          All Party Parliamentary Group      aspirations due to soreness and pain.   these questions. Just because we ask,
          on Skin (APPGS), 98% of skin                                          doesn’t mean people are going to do
          disease patients feel their condition   This can have a huge impact   anything,” she added.
          affects their emotional and        on patients’ wellbeing, but this   Patients should also be informed that,
          psychological wellbeing, yet only   isn’t always addressed during     regardless of their DLQI score, they can
          18% have received some form of     consultations, Sarah says.         self-refer to talking therapies such as
          psychological support.             Lucy and Sarah say it is therefore   cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
          Both children and adults are at    important to monitor patients’ quality   should their mental health worsen.
          increased risk of poor mental health   of life with the Dermatology Life Quality
          because of their skin condition, and   Index (DLQI), and mental health with   A holistic approach to
          Sarah says she often encounters    the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 and   patient consultations
          children with eczema or psoriasis   GAD-7 (General Anxiety Disorder-7).  As well as monitoring mental
          who are bullied at school for looking   In addition, patients should be asked   health, Lucy says dermatology
          different to their peers.          directly about how they are feeling.   nurses should ask patients about

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