Page 4 - Ultrabase-digi-brochure-V2
P. 4
White Soft Paraffin 10% w/w
A hydrating solution
for dry irritated skin
Derma UK Ltd, Toffee Factory, Ouseburn, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 2DF.
Please contact us on +44 (0) 191 375 9020
ULTRABASE Cream - Abbreviated Prescribing Information Side Effects: Hypersensitivity skin reactions including redness and itching
Presentation: Ultrabase Cream is a white cream containing soft white have been reported. Package Quantities: 100ml tube, 500ml pump
paraffin 10% w/w. Uses: Ultrabase Cream is a moisturising cream dispensers. Basic NHS Price: 100ml, £2.85, 500ml, £7.01.
that can be used in the relief of the symptoms of dry skin conditions Ultrabase Cream is a Class 1 Medical Device. It is produced by Derma
associated with eczema, psoriasis and other commonly occurring skin UK Ltd, Toffee Factory, Ouseburn, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 2DF, UK.
conditions where dry skin is a component. Dosage: The cream should “Ultrabase” and “Derma UK” are registered Trade Marks.
be smoothed onto the skin as often as required. Contraindications: Date of Revision of Text: October 2021.
Do not use if you know you are hypersensitive (allergic) to any of the
ingredients. Precautions: Contains stearyl alcohol which may cause local Adverse events should be reported. Information about adverse event
skin reactions. Benzoic acid may cause an allergic skin reaction (possibly reporting can be found at Adverse events
delayed). Warning: Do not smoke or go near naked flames while applying should also be reported to Derma UK Ltd, UK on 0191 375 9020.
this product as there is a risk it might ignite and cause severe burns. Fabric
(clothing, bedding, dressings etc) that has been in contact with this product
burns more easily and is a serious fire hazard. Washing clothing and Date of Preparation: October 2021.
bedding may reduce product build-up but not totally remove it. ULTMD/22/1021