Page 4 - Hibitane Practice and Information Guide V7
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Our Survey Using Hibitane
Said Obstetric Cream
Derma UK conducted a survey of 141 Hibitane Obstetric Cream is widely used
Healthcare Professionals and found the by Healthcare Professionals
following : during physical internal examinations, and
• 75% of those questioned in Maternity and during labour and delivery in Obstetric and
Delivery use Hibitane Obstetric Cream
• 93% who use Hibitane Obstetric Cream Gynaecological practice.
use it at least weekly Hibitane Obstetric Cream is licensed
• 64% of those questioned who work in for use in a variety of Gynaecological
Obstetrics and Gynaecology stated that, in and Obstetric procedures. Common
their opinion using a lubricant that contains
Chlorhexidine would help to uses include Spontaneous Vaginal
reduce infections within their department. Deliveries, Assisted Deliveries and PV
Of those questioned who stated they use Examinations.
Hibitane Obstetric Cream as a lubricant in Hibitane Obstetric Cream may
Obstetric and Gynaecological practice:
• 68% use Hibitane Obstetric Cream be spread onto the gloved hand of the
for vaginal examinations examiner and applied liberally to the skin
• 41% use Hibitane Obstetric Cream around the vulva and perineum of the
during delivery patient.
• 30% use Hibitane Obstetric Cream
for other actions,
including instrument lubrication and
cleaning the skin
For more details contact us:
T: 0191 375 9020
Derma UK Ltd, Toffee Factory, Ouseburn,
Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 2DF.
Hibitane TM Obstetric Cream - Abbreviated Prescribing Information References:
Presentation: Hibitane TM Obstetric Cream is a cream containing Chlorhexidine Gluconate 1. Derma UK Ltd., ‘Summary of Hibitane TM Obstetric Cream Product Characteristics
1% w/w. Indication: An antimicrobial preparation for use as an antiseptic and lubricant in (SmPC).’ 2021 2. A, Fayez Bakr et al, Effect of Cleansing the Birth Canal with Antiseptic
obstetric and gynaecological practice. Dosage and Administration: Apply liberally to the Solution on Maternal and Neonatal Mortality in Alexandria, American Journal of
skin around the vulva and perineum of the patient, and to the gloved hands of the midwife Paediatrics. July 2002, p. 379-383 3. Stray-Pedersen B et al, Vaginal disinfection with
or doctor. Contraindications: Contraindicated for patients who have previously shown a chlorhexidine during childbirth, Int J Antimicrob Agents. 1999 Aug;12(3):245-251. 4. E
hypersensitivity reaction to chlorhexidine. However, such reactions are extremely rare. Warnings Taha T et al, Effect of cleansing the birth canal with antiseptic solution on maternal and
and Precautions: For topical application only. Keep out of the eyes and ears and avoid contact newborn morbidity and mortality in malawi: clinical trial, BMJ 1997; 315 doi. 1997 July
with the brain and meninges. Local stinging and/or chemical burns have been reported following 26. 5. M McClure E et al, The use of chlorhexidine to reduce maternal and neonatal
off-label use of gauze packs soaked in Hibitane TM Obstetric Cream and left intra-vaginally for mortality and morbidity in low-resources settings, Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2007 May, p.
prolonged periods. Undesirable Effects: Irritative skin reactions can occasionally occur. Generalised 89-94. 6. Adriaanse AH et al, Randomized study of vaginal chlorhexidine disinfection
allergic reactions to chlorhexidine including anaphylaxis have been reported but are extremely during labor to prevent vertical transmission of group B streptococci. 1995 Aug, p. 135-141.
rare. Package Quantities: 10 x 50ml and 250ml bottle. Pharmaceutical Precautions: Store below 7. Thomas-D et al, Activity of different antiseptics on Chlamydia trachomatis, Pathol-Biol,
30°C. Basic NHS Price: £49.00 (10 x 50ml) and £22.00 (1 x 250ml). Legal Category: GSL. Marketing 1984, 32/5 Bis, p. 544-546. 8. Osborn-M-F et al, Effect of various analgesics and lubricants
Authorisation Number: PL 19876/0009. Marketing Authorisation Holder: Derma UK Ltd, Toffee on isolation of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae. J-Clin Microbial,
Factory, Ouseburn, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 2DF, UK. “Hibitane” and “Derma UK” are registered Trade 1982, 15/3, p. 522-524. 9. Modak S et al, Rapid inactivation of infectious pathogens by
Marks. Date of Revision of Text: January 2024. chlorhexidine-coated gloves, Dept of Surgery, Columbia University, NY, NY, Infect Control
Please refer to the full SmPC before prescribing this product. Adverse events should be reported. Hosp Epidemiol 1992 Aug, 13 (8) p. 463- 471. 10. Derma UK LTD, Hibitane TM Obstetric Cream
Reporting forms and information can be found at or search for Research, 2018 March. Data on file.
MHRA Yellow Card in the Google Play or Apple App Store. Adverse events should also be reported
to Derma UK on +44 (0) 191 375 9020. HIB/109/0124 Date of Preparation: January 2024